Watch our presentations and read about our work here. The main presentations about our Atlas of Innovation Districts and the most important articles about how to shape your districts to foster thriving communities are summarized on this page!
Aretian Videos
Smart City Expo World Congress - Barcelona - November 2019
Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras, presented our Atlas of Innovation Districts in Barcelona, in November 2019. During this presentation, they explained how the Atlas of Innovation Districts provides an understanding of how to create vibrant and thriving communities based on innovation.
Camins.cat Presentation - Barcelona - November 2019
Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras, presented their company and accomplishments at Camins.cat Col·legi d'Enginyers de Camins, in November 2019. During this presentation, they explained the vision and purpose of our company, describing Aretian Farms, the Atlas of Innovation Districts, the Aretian Innovation Metrics, etc.
UrbanNext Interview - November 2019
Last November, Aretian’s Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras Alomà, gave an exclusive interview to UrbanNext journalist Marta Bugés. In this wonderful video filmed by Chiara Cesareo and edited by Sara Traba, they describe how Aretian revolutionizes urban design by focusing on innovation, communities’ well-being and economic growth.

Aretian in the Press
MIT Tech Review
Article - August 2019

This article, published in the MIT Tech Review in August 2019, explains how complex interactions of urban systems previously prevented urban planners from understanding how to design perfect systems. Thanks to the development of new Mathematical Models and technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Aretian works with never-seen-before tools that help to design urban spaces promoting sustainable and thriving communities.
"In order to design and build cities capable of solving current challenges, it is paramount to understand all the dynamics involved in urban development, design and evolution."
Jeremy Burke & Ramon Gras
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Magazine Interview - December 2019
This article is an interview of Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras, conducted and published by Adam Zewe in the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Magazine in December 2019. It describes Aretian's model: a startup that integrates data and new mathematical models in order to create urban development plans.
“Very often, engineers and designers tend to approach a problem in isolation, but since we analyze cities as a system, that can help clarify the role of a specific design intervention in the territory in terms of the broader system.”
Ramon Gras

Harvard Graduate School of Design: Urban Design Magazine
Article - December 2019

This article was written by Aretian's Co-Founder, Ramon Gras, for the Harvard Graduate School of Design: Urban Design Magazine in December 2019. It explains the new science of cities that Aretian has developed, using network theory, to amplify the power of urban analytics and design. It also explores how to evaluate the impact of urban design criteria on hindering or fostering inclusive economic growth.
“Urban planning techniques and methodologies have proven to be ill-equipped to tackle such complex challenges, reveal the internal hierarchies of cities as complex systems, illuminate the hidden causal mechanisms between urban design criteria and the performance of critical urban systems, and provide solvent solutions to contemporary territorial problems.”
Ramon Gras
MIT Technology Review
Article - July 2019
This article was written by Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras, for the MIT Tech Review in July 2019. The article describes the five key ingredients needed to foster the success of Innovation Districts. Building on Innovation District is not a trivial endeavour, and precise guidelines must be enacted and followed. This is where Aretian intervenes: improving the development of Innovation Districts to make them sustainable and foster healthy communities.
“Innovation Districts offer numerous advantages. The high amount of new products, services and solutions they generate make them powerful drivers of economic development in adjacent communities.”
Jeremy Burke & Ramon Gras

Cities Today: Connecting the World's Urban Leaders
Article - August 2019

This article was written by Aretian's Co-Founders, Jeremy Burke and Ramon Gras, for the Magazine Cities Today: Connecting the World's Urban Leaders in August 2019. The article describes how to better understand the Science of Cities that Aretian has developed.
“Cities are among the most complex systems that humans create. They are dense environments where dozens of major infrastructure systems interact with each other at different scales, where people and products circulate continuously, and where idiosyncratic economic and political forces operate with limited visibility. We are now at the brink of revolutionising our understanding of urban systems using new methods from data science and complexity theory. It is time for a new science of cities.”
Jeremy Burke & Ramon Gras
Article - January 2019
This article was written by Artur Zanón, for the Magazine Expansión in January 2019. The article describes how Aretian uses Data to foster the economic development of any territory.
“From mathematical models inspired by Network Theory and Complexity Science, it is possible to determine which interventions are most necessary to achieve the full potential of regions and community. All this can be applied to fields such as urban planning, architecture of high performance spaces, infrastructure, mobility systems, energy, sustainability..."
Ramon Gras

Observatori de la Recerca
Article - September 2019

This article was written in the Catalan Magazine Observatori de la Recerca in September 2019. The article describes how Aretian developed a report on the Innovation Districts and Industry Clusters in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region.
“The study has broken down the 5 major industrial corridors present in the metropolitan area of Barcelona into 25 innovation districts and industrial clusters. They outline their strengths and weaknesses, visualize the comparative advantages, outline potential risks as well as future opportunities."
Anonymous Aretian Fan
La Vanguardia
Article & Interview - July 2019
This article is an interview of Aretian's Co-Founder, Ramon Gras, in the Catalan Magazine La Vanguardia in July 2019. The article describes how to create more innovation projects, as well as strengthen research centers in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and has warned about the advantages, but also risks of models such as the US.
“They generate a lot of work concentration; for each position produced by these districts, five positions are generated in the metropolitan area of Barcelona."
Ramon Gras